Aarhus University Seal

Frank Fischer to visit School of Communication and Culture in November

Frank Fischer from Centre of Digital Humanities at Higher School of Economics in Moscow will guest School of Communication and Culture at Aarhus University during the month of November.

Foto: GCDH.de

In November, students and faculty at School of Communication and Culture at Aarhus University will have the pleasure of hosting Frank Fischer from Higher School of Economics in Moscow.

During his time in Aarhus, Fischer will give lectures, provide help and feedback for the participants of the Digital Literacy course and work with faculty on research projects.

Frank Fischer graduated from Leipzig University in 2003 with a degree in German Studies and Computer Science. Since, he has earned a PhD in Literary Studies and is now associate professor at Centre for Digital Humanities at Higher School of Economics in Moscow.

The combination of Literary Studies and Computer Science means, that Fischer has got an ideal background for working with digital humanities. During his time in Aarhus, a key function will be to provide guidance and feedback for the six groups of the Digital Literacy course; History, Literature, Rhetoric, Collections of newspapers, Social Media and Databases.

Stay tuned to digitalarts.au.dk or our Twitter account, @DigitalArtsAU, where we'll post events and news regarding Frank Fischer's visit in Aarhus.

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