Aarhus University Seal

NVivo course by AU Library, November 2021

Are you working with qualitative data such as interviews or reports?

NVivo course by AU Library

This fall, AU Library offers a course on NVivo, a qualitative data analysis (QDA) computer software that helps you classify and sort data enabling you to more easily discover connections - in contrast to doing it "by hand" or on paper. 

The course will be held at Nobelparken (Aarhus University) on November 10 and will introduce you to:

  • Importing data (hands on examples are done with text)
  • Coding data
  • Working with cases (metadata regarding your units of analysis such as income, age, marital status etc.)
  • Queries (searching/filtering based on your codes/cases)

Depending on attendees it will be held in Danish or English.

Read more and sign up for the course. 

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